Before starting, figure out how much money you want to spend to get the small kitchen design project completed. Once you have established the budget, make a list of what you want done to your kitchen. List the most important items at the top and work your way down in case you start to go over the set budget amount.
You may want to think about deep cabinets and countertops to give you more space in your kitchen. With the added extra space to store all of your pots, pans and other kitchen items you need, you will keep your kitchen looking neat and organized. To help, when installing deep cabinets it is wise to think of using drawers that slide out so you can easily reach the item you need. Pull out shelves are another excellent option for added space and convenience. While planning, you want to keep maximizing your small space in mind.
When choosing one of the small kitchen designs think of color and lighting. You want to choose a paint color that will make your small kitchen appear larger. A good rule of thumb is to paint your kitchen lighter to make it look and feel bigger. You may choose to add a skylight in your kitchen to add a lot of brightness to your kitchen.
Keep the triangle of your appliances so you get the most out of your kitchen. In other words, keep the stove, refrigerator, microwave and sink within the shape of a triangle.