Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitchen Table Sets

One of my favorite restaurants is at a theme park near my home. Visitors sit in kitchens that are a throwback to the decade before my childhood - at kitchen table sets featuring chrome and laminate tables, a banquette and chairs in shiny, sparkle-infused vinyl, the TV playing clips from the Golden Age of Comedy, and servers (dressed in classic diner-waitress uniforms) who tell you to take off your hat inside the house and keep your elbows off the table. The atmosphere captures our imagination - of an imagined time when family life was simpler and the issues in our lives could be solved sitting around the kitchen table set.
Today, our lives are different. We have smaller families, we eat on the run. Still, we want to have a place to start our day with a cup of tea and a light breakfast, or share a sandwich at the end of a busy workday. We have plenty of options for kitchen table sets when we outfit our kitchens to suit contemporary life.
When you are shopping for new kitchen table sets, your primary concern should be the size of your kitchen. If you've got a spacious eat-in kitchen, you've got many options. But even if you've got just a corner to fill, you can find kitchen table sets that give you a space to eat. Know what size table will fit in your space.

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