Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitchen Utensils

here are certain things that every chef needs in his or her kitchen. These are cooking tools that you will find yourself reaching for time and again. If you are just starting out here are our top recommendations. You will find yourself needing more tools, as your cooking prowess progresses but in the beginning you can definitely manage with these five tools:
- Chopping board. Used to chop food like onions, potatoes, tomatoes, meat, herbs, etc. it is absolutely essential and will save your table tops and counters a ton of wear and tear.
You may eventually want to have different chopping boards for different types of food but in the beginning one will definitely do.
- A good quality knife - you can buy one that handles well, yes actually pick them up and see how they feel in your hand before purchasing one, or purchase a knife set. Just make sure to go for quality as you will be using this tool for quite a while to do all of your cutting and chopping.
- The Big Pot. If you plan on making stews, soups or pasta this is a must have. I love to make a huge pot of stew or soup and then dine on it for an entire week with different pairings. I love Le Crueset but save these types of pots for later, as they can seriously blow your budget.

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